
Your first worksheet

Here's where we take a look at your expectations of this online coaching program, how committed you are, what you want to achieve, and how you'll reward yourself when you do take the actions you commit to.

What is this information used for?

Any questions you answer about you and your business will help us to get some background information and identify where we can be of more help in this business building coaching program.

How does it work?

Your homework is usually an online worksheet (form). Each time you complete a form a copy will come to us so we can review and recommend. If we think you need to do more work or more thinking on a topic, we'll let you know. If we feel you may be on the wrong track, we'll let you know. If we think you're brilliant - we'll also be more than happy to let you know that too :)

Keep in mind your workbook DOESN'T need to be perfect the first time. These are evolving documents and you'll most likely come back and tweak, alter and update as you progress through the program (see FAQ's below for how to edit your forms).

Lastly, for you to get the most of the online coaching series, please complete the questions honestly and clearly and give as much detail as you are able to.



? How secure is the information I send to you?

Business and personal information, worksheets, action plans, submitted documents and forms, contact details - Any information you share with Today is Different is bound by a contract of confidentiality with you and will NEVER be shared.

? How do I save a copy of my worksheet (form) for future editing?

  • Complete your form and click submit
  • You will be taken to this page:

  • Click on "Edit your response"
  • You will be taken back to your form and it's responses
  • Copy the page URL of your form and save it somewhere safe. You will need to save the URLs of each form you submit.
  • If you wish to keep a hard copy of your form you can also print the page from your browser.
  • When you want to review, revise or add to your form you simply copy and paste the URL to be taken back to your form.
  • Edit and re-submit

? Can I complete the form and not send it to you?

If you really don't want our help and feedback you can complete the form and print it or save it as a PDF. If you do not hit the Submit button it will not be sent to us for review.

More questions?

Ask below or send us an email (if you wish to keep your question - and answers - confidential).


As this course is new, we'd appreciate any feedback you might have, You can either drop us a line by email or comment below.

Finished? Complete and continue